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Trauma Informed Education: Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments

Trauma-informed education is a powerful approach that can help students who have experienced trauma to feel safe, supported, and valued in the classroom. By recognizing the signs of trauma, creating a safe and supportive environment, and promoting healing and resilience, educators can help students overcome the effects of trauma and achieve their full potential. With the right training and resources, trauma-informed education can be implemented in schools across the country, creating a brighter future for all students.

Keeping Students Motivated to Learn

Motivation is a vital component of student engagement and learning. When students are motivated, they are more likely to be engaged in the learning process, retain information, and perform better academically. In this blog post, we will explore the science of motivation as it relates to student engagement and learning. Motivation can be classified into two broad categories: intrinsic motivation… Read More »Keeping Students Motivated to Learn