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Skateboarding and the Brain: How Passion Fuels Learning and Memory

Skateboarding isn’t just about ollies and grinding – it’s a holistic tool for unlocking youth potential and enhancing learning. Recent research in cognitive neuroscience reveals how intrinsic motivation, like the kind sparked by skateboarding, can significantly boost memory formation and long-term retention. Here’s how allowing youth to follow their passion leads to remarkable educational outcomes: The Power of Intrinsic Motivation… Read More »Skateboarding and the Brain: How Passion Fuels Learning and Memory

The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Engaging Students In and Out of School

Understanding how motivation influences learning and memory is crucial for parents and educators seeking to engage students effectively. Recent research in cognitive neuroscience and educational psychology has shed light on powerful ways to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes [1]. Harnessing the Power of Intrinsic Motivation While traditional educational approaches often rely on extrinsic rewards like grades or prizes, research… Read More »The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Engaging Students In and Out of School

Trauma Informed Education: Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments

Trauma-informed education is a powerful approach that can help students who have experienced trauma to feel safe, supported, and valued in the classroom. By recognizing the signs of trauma, creating a safe and supportive environment, and promoting healing and resilience, educators can help students overcome the effects of trauma and achieve their full potential. With the right training and resources, trauma-informed education can be implemented in schools across the country, creating a brighter future for all students.

ADHD Relevance in 2024

ADHD and sensory processing challenges originate in the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s control center for attention and behavior regulation Impact of Screen Time on ADHD Recent studies show a significant increase in ADHD diagnoses, correlating with higher screen time in children and adolescents. 📱🔍 Statistics on ADHD According to the CDC, the prevalence of ADHD among children aged 4-17 years… Read More »ADHD Relevance in 2024