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Evidence-Based Teaching and Positive Reinforcement for Student Success

The Importance of Evidence-Based Teaching Evidence-based teaching involves using research and scientific evidence to inform instructional practices. It focuses on using strategies and methods that have been proven to be effective in promoting student learning and achievement. This approach is crucial in ensuring that students receive the best possible education and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. By… Read More »Evidence-Based Teaching and Positive Reinforcement for Student Success

Screen Time Impacts Sensory Development in Toddlers under 2

New research highlights the relationship between early screen exposure and atypical sensory behaviors in toddlers. Screen Times Lasting Effects on Child Brain Development  Recent research from Drexel’s College of Medicine shows how exposure to screen-time can lead to sensory processing challenges, attention, and executive function skills. Bab gaze into screens, often develop sensory sensitivities – like getting easily bored or… Read More »Screen Time Impacts Sensory Development in Toddlers under 2


ADHD: The What, Why and How

What do flowers and brains have in common? Each one’s blossom is unique. Some flowers need a little extra care, different soil, and maybe even some trellis support to reach their full beauty. What up, ADHDers! ⚡ The number of ADHD diagnoses has noticeably increased over the past 4 decades. While the reasons for this increase are complex and not… Read More »ADHD: The What, Why and How

50 Years of Research, Still No Change in Policy

Educational institutions have been trying to show policymakers the issue of police presence in schools for DECADES. In the 1970s, the National Education Association (NEA) passed a resolution calling for an end to police in schools. ACLU In 2020, the NEA passed ANOTHER resolution calling for an end to police in schools. ACLU The resolution states: “The presence of police… Read More »50 Years of Research, Still No Change in Policy

School to Prison Pipeline

Evidence shows that police presence in schools is not an effective way to improve school safety. Instead, schools should focus on implementing evidence-based solutions that promote positive student behavior and create a safe and supportive learning environment. The presence of police officers on school campuses negatively impacts the youth in a number of ways including: Evidence-based solutions that should be… Read More »School to Prison Pipeline

Unconditional Positive Regard

Unconditional positive regard is the acceptance and love of a child for who they are, regardless of their behavior. It’s essential for a child’s healthy development, including their self-esteem, self-determination, and motivation to succeed. When parents and teachers show unconditional positive regard for children, they’re communicating to the children that they are worthy of love and respect, even when they… Read More »Unconditional Positive Regard

How Positive Parenting Protects Kids’ Brains from Stress

Stress can be tough on kids, especially their brains. One of the most important things you can do for your child is to be a positive parent. Positive parenting means being loving and supportive, setting clear rules and expectations, and praising your child when they do good things. It also means listening to your child when they’re upset and helping… Read More »How Positive Parenting Protects Kids’ Brains from Stress

How Positive Parenting Protects Kids’ Brains from Stress

Stress can be tough on kids, especially their brains. One of the most important things you can do for your child is to be a positive parent. Positive parenting means being loving and supportive, setting clear rules and expectations, and praising your child when they do good things. It also means listening to your child when they’re upset and helping… Read More »How Positive Parenting Protects Kids’ Brains from Stress

Motivation & Learning

MOTIVATION & LEARNING Motivation is a key factor in student engagement and learning. When students are motivated, they’re more likely to be engaged in the learning process, retain more information, and perform at one’s highest level. Types of Motivation:  Intrinsic Motivation Vs. Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic – An internal drive that comes from within. Extrinsic – A drive that comes from… Read More »Motivation & Learning