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ADHD: The What, Why and How


What do flowers and brains have in common?

Each one’s blossom is unique.

Some flowers need a little extra care, different soil, and maybe even some trellis support to reach their full beauty.

What up, ADHDers! ⚡

The number of ADHD diagnoses has noticeably increased over the past 4 decades. While the reasons for this increase are complex and not fully understood, it’s likely due to a combination of factors, including improved awareness, changes in diagnostic criteria, and environmental influences.

Improved Awareness

 We’re better at spotting those ADHD whispers, leading to more cases coming to light.

Changes in Criteria

Changes made to the official diagnostic in the DSM,

✨ Environmental Factors

Our world is filled with screens and endless stimulation, which effect cognitive development.


ADHD brains learn and process information differently. They might struggle with focus, organization, or impulsive responses. Without awareness, these differences can be mistaken for misbehavior or laziness.

Unlocking potential

When teachers understand the strengths and weaknesses of neurodivergent learners, they can tailor their teaching methods to support their success. This means embracing fidget spinners, utilizing movement breaks, and offering clear, structured instructions. ✨

Building bridges

Knowledge fosters empathy and respect. By understanding how ADHD affects students, teachers can create a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment where every mind feels accepted and celebrated.

By embracing neurodiversity and understanding learning differences, we can unlock the full potential of every mind. ✨

Hidden talents 

ADHD brains often excel in creativity, problem-solving, and out-of-the-box thinking. By understanding how ADHD works, teachers can tap into these strengths and foster their students’ unique gifts.

 Build bridges, not walls

Frustration and misunderstanding can arise when neurotypical and neurodivergent brains clash. Knowing the signs of ADHD helps teachers create a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels seen and valued.

Every student deserves a teacher who champions their individual learning journey.

ADHD-friendly Teaching STARTER KIT:

boys playing with toys
  • Embrace movement: 
  • Fidget toys, short breaks, and active learning can help students with ADHD stay focused. ‍
  • Break tasks down: Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid overwhelm. ️
  • Visual Aids: Use charts, diagrams, and mind maps to help students organize information and stay on track.
  • Be patient and positive: Celebrate small wins and offer encouragement along the way. Every step forward is a victory!

Together We Can Turn Every Classroom to a Place Where Every Mind Can Thrive!

Highlighting notes classroom

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