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How YOUR Communication Skills Affects Your Relationship With Your Child

Better communication from parents leads to better relationships between parents & children. As parents & educators, we know how it feels when our feelings are diregarded. Many of us get frusterated or discouraged when the people we care about dont pay attention to us when we’re talking to them. We instill this message into children from a young age by… Read More »How YOUR Communication Skills Affects Your Relationship With Your Child

Reducing Challenging Behavior with Positive Discipline

Positive Discipline   “Effective discipline means teaching skills that will help children make better decisions and handle themselves well in the future.” Daniel Siegel, M.D. & Tina Bryson Ph. D   Punishment shuts down behavior in the short term but teaching offers skills that last a lifetime.   Positive teaching strategies shape challenging behaviors into functional skills.    Teachers &… Read More »Reducing Challenging Behavior with Positive Discipline