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Juvenile Justice

Trauma Informed Education: Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments

Trauma-informed education is a powerful approach that can help students who have experienced trauma to feel safe, supported, and valued in the classroom. By recognizing the signs of trauma, creating a safe and supportive environment, and promoting healing and resilience, educators can help students overcome the effects of trauma and achieve their full potential. With the right training and resources, trauma-informed education can be implemented in schools across the country, creating a brighter future for all students.

50 Years of Research, Still No Change in Policy

Educational institutions have been trying to show policymakers the issue of police presence in schools for DECADES. In the 1970s, the National Education Association (NEA) passed a resolution calling for an end to police in schools. ACLU In 2020, the NEA passed ANOTHER resolution calling for an end to police in schools. ACLU The resolution states: “The presence of police… Read More »50 Years of Research, Still No Change in Policy

School to Prison Pipeline

Evidence shows that police presence in schools is not an effective way to improve school safety. Instead, schools should focus on implementing evidence-based solutions that promote positive student behavior and create a safe and supportive learning environment. The presence of police officers on school campuses negatively impacts the youth in a number of ways including: Evidence-based solutions that should be… Read More »School to Prison Pipeline